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Who We Are


We believe that Jesus is the Christ - God’s anointed Prophet, Priest and King.  (Matthew 16:15-20Ephesians 1:18-22)

Since Jesus is King, we are convinced that by following His teachings, we can have grace and peace in this broken world and live eternally with God after this life is over.  (Matthew 11:25-30 & 28:18-20)

We are not part of any religious organization larger than the local church, though there are people all over the world who are like us in this commitment.


As Jesus’ disciples, we try to follow His ways in our moral lives, our homes, our careers, and every other aspect of our lives.  (Matthew 28:18-20II Timothy 3:16-17)

Since we are disciples, we are growing to be more like Jesus and we are not perfect.  (I John 1:5-2:2 & 3:1-3)

We are each committed to loving God completely and loving people since they are each created in the image of the God we love. (Matthew 22:35-40I John 4:20-21

We are convinced that the best way to love God and people is to obey the teachings of Jesus revealed through His apostles and prophets in the New Testament.  (Ephesians 3:3-54:11-16Hebrews 2:1-4)


We Serve as Jesus' disciples With Elders & Deacons.

We serve with one another blessed with Overseers/Elders/Shepherds and Special Servants/Deacons qualified as Jesus’ Apostles directed. (Titus 1:5-10I Tim. 3:1-13Acts 20:28-32I Pet. 5:1-7)


We do what Jesus' disciples did in our assemblies of worship

We worship simply and devoutly as we see demonstrated by Christians in the New Testament. (Acts 2:4220:7I Corinthians 11:17-3414:2616:1-2)


We gather on each Sunday to share the “Lord’s Supper,” to teach one another and pray with one another in songs, to join in congregational prayers, to contribute for congregational needs, and to study God’s will revealed through His Word.

Feel free to join in these activities with us if you like. Do not feel obligated to join in any of our activities, we are just gald you are here!

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